'android/구글관련/문서'에 해당되는 글 10건

  1. 2009.01.03 Android Applications
  2. 2009.01.03 Installing Google Android SDK 1.0 On Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop
  3. 2009.01.03 Android Porting Guideline for A1200
  4. 2009.01.03 A Developer's First Look At Android
  5. 2009.01.03 How to Port phoneME™ Advanced Software to Google Android, iPhone, OpenMoko, LiMO, and More
  6. 2009.01.03 A Spectrum White Paper: Thoughts on Google Android
  7. 2009.01.03 A first look at Google Android
  8. 2009.01.03 Java Micro Edition Platform & Android
  9. 2009.01.03 OSGi on Google Android using Apache Felix
  10. 2009.01.03 Google Android 1.0 Documentation in PDF format

Android Applications

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:36

출처 : http://code.google.com/intl/ko/android/images/adc1r1_deck.pdf

안드로이드에서 동작하는 어플리케이션 설명


Installing Google Android SDK 1.0 On Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:32

Installing Google Android SDK 1.0 On Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop

Version 1.0
Author: Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com>
Last edited 09/24/2008

This guide explains how you can install the Google Android SDK 1.0 on an Ubuntu 8.04 desktop. With this stable release of the Android SDK, you can now develop applications for Android smartphones (like T-Mobile's G1) and offer them on the Android Market.

I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

자세한것은 아래의 링크를 이용하세요.
1. http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-google-android-sdk1.0-on-ubuntu8.04-desktop
2. http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-google-android-sdk1.0-on-ubuntu8.04-desktop-p2
3. http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-google-android-sdk1.0-on-ubuntu8.04-desktop-p3


Android Porting Guideline for A1200

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:23

A Developer's First Look At Android

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:21

How to Port phoneME™ Advanced Software to Google Android, iPhone, OpenMoko, LiMO, and More

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:17

A Spectrum White Paper: Thoughts on Google Android

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:15

A first look at Google Android

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:12
출처 : http://www.kandroid.org/s2/doc/android.pdf

안드로이드에 대해서 전반적으로 살펴보고, 간단한 어플리케이션을 만드는것까지 되어 있는 문서입니다.

Java Micro Edition Platform & Android

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:07
출처 : http://www.iks.inf.ethz.ch/education/ss08/seminar/Presentations/android_j2me.pdf

j2me와 안드로이드에 대한 간단한 설명과 서로의 차이점을 설명하는 프리젠테이션 자료입니다.


OSGi on Google Android using Apache Felix

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 21:03

Google Android 1.0 Documentation in PDF format

android/구글관련/문서 2009. 1. 3. 20:55

출처 : http://frickingnutz.com/?q=node/46

HTML로 되어 있는 구글 안드로이드 1.0 문서를 PDF로 만들어 둔 것입니다.
